BIG BANG BIG BOOM: an unscientific point of view on the beginning and evolution of life ... and how it could probably end. direction and animation by BLU http://www.blublu.org production and distribution by ARTSH.it http://www.artsh.it sountrack by AND...
A couple of pencil-outlined birds escape from a little girl´s drawing, leading us through the life she dreams of. you can find more about the making of at this link: http://www.carloslascano.com/carloslascano/vid_ashortlovestory.html ------------------...
written & animated by alexander gellner track and sound design niklas a kröger poem by Johannesson James Maratown YOUR LIFE IS ON FIRE NO CLOUD MAY HARM YOU IN THE HEAVENS YOU ARE IN. NO FROST MAY BURN YOUR HARVEST THAT YOU HAVE NOT BROUGHT IN. NO RAT ...
Http://ryanwoodwardart.com Behind the scenes: http://vimeo.com/21096567 Limited Fine Art Prints now available here: http://www.frame-factor.com/video/videochv.php?vid=55
It’s not a secret we love robots here at BLR, so we wanted them to be the heroes in our latest promo clip. Luxury cars with powerful engines to drive through roads under severe speed restrictions, cable TV that allows us to pay to watch all kind of spo...
Directed by Steven Briand - briand.steven@gmail.com, at partizan during a two months intership. Festival selections South by Southwest (SXSW) 2012 / Austin, Texas, 2012 Moving Silence 2012 / Athens, Greece, 2012 Disposable Film Festival 2012 / San Fran...
Join this lovable crew of droids as they solve their differences the only way dubstep robots know how. A 3d animated short set to music by Nostalgia. More info: http://www.fluxelmedia.com/fluxelmedia/projects/Dubstep_Dispute/Dubstep_Dispute.html Nostal...
UPDATE: check out episode #2 now! At: https://vimeo.com/macncheese/supermarket Mac 'n' Cheese is an animated short directed and created by four students at the Utrecht School of Arts in the Netherlands. This roughly two minute animation took about fi...
Watch me jam solo, then use the special interactive player to record your own remix. Go ahead, show me what you got!
ATTENTION We are sorry to inform you that, owing to the regulations of a series of important international festivals in which B E A U T Y will take part, for a certain period of time the video will not be available in its complete version. For professi...