Sketchy Guard from Birdbox Studio | | Móvil

As seen on . A Clumsy soldier with an ill fitting helmet gets himself and his country into a spot of bother. A series of funny animations featuring the confused, the pathetic and the hopeless. Produced by roughcutprese... [Móvil]

Móvil, sketchy, guard, from, birdbox, studio

Sketchy Guard from Birdbox Studio

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Publicado por: keny
Fecha: 23/06/2015 | Reprods.: 3
As seen on . A Clumsy soldier with an ill fitting helmet gets himself and his country into a spot of bother. A series of funny animations featuring the confused, the pathetic and the hopeless. Produced by

» Cine

Canales: Animación |

Tags: sketchy | guard | from | birdbox | studio |
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