Join this lovable crew of droids as they solve their differences the only way dubstep robots know how. A 3d animated short set to music by Nostalgia. More info: http://www.fluxelmedia.com/fluxelmedia/projects/Dubstep_Dispute/Dubstep_Dispute.html Nostal...
BRAND NEW VIRAL: vimeo.com/43239312 - The world's Tiniest Police Chase! __________ Google Street View stop motion animation short made as a personal project by director Tom Jenkins. Story: A lonely desk toy longs for escape from the dark confines of t...
BIG BANG BIG BOOM: an unscientific point of view on the beginning and evolution of life ... and how it could probably end. direction and animation by BLU http://www.blublu.org production and distribution by ARTSH.it http://www.artsh.it sountrack by AND...
Http://ryanwoodwardart.com Behind the scenes: http://vimeo.com/21096567 Limited Fine Art Prints now available here: http://www.frame-factor.com/video/videochv.php?vid=55
A couple of pencil-outlined birds escape from a little girl´s drawing, leading us through the life she dreams of. you can find more about the making of at this link: http://www.carloslascano.com/carloslascano/vid_ashortlovestory.html ------------------...
For all our ~3 min horror films: https://vimeo.com/channels/shorthorror Winner of 'Best Short' at Bilbao Fantasy Film Festival 2014 http://fantbilbao.net/Fant2014/ Winner of 'Best Director' in the http://www.bchorrorchallenge.com Breakdown of the l...
Full Moon Silhouettes is a real time video of the moon rising over the Mount Victoria Lookout in Wellington, New Zealand. People had gathered up there this night to get the best view possible of the moon rising. I captured the video from 2.1km away on ...
In 2008, I walked through China - 1 year, 4500km. I let my hair and my beard grow. This is the resulting video. Add me on FB: ▶ https://facebook.com/crehage on TW: ▶ https://twitter.com/crehage or drop by on my site: ▶ http://www.crehage.com INFO: ▶ I ...
Leonardo Dalessandri, Andrea Gualano, Luca Buccarella, Cristina Cormio, Luca Dipietro, Daniela Nardo, Claudia Abbene, Rosamaria Sclafani, Rocco Romanella, Anna Capezzera.
Follow on http://www.facebook.com/TSOphotography I spent a week capturing one of the biggest aurora borealis shows in recent years. Shot in and around Kirkenes and Pas National Park bordering Russia, at 70 degree north and 30 degrees east. Temperatures...